Friday 22 May 2009

sorry peeps

its been a while since i blogged...basically 2 reason why...
1) my life has been boring
2) I've been having classes from 7-4 for the past few days

yup..7-4 human man this ppl...hw to study like this...craziness...2 hour lecture also i cant take edi....hw to absorb the knowledge...end up sleeping in class oni...aish....

so the past few days has been really tiring....everyday come back sleep oni...then wake up..prepare for next day then sleep back..dats da routine for past few days...

went church for ascension...amazingly they give holiday in Indon for that....may be coz tere are like millions of catholics in this country....for us thaipusam to get holiday also so hard....hahaaha

cant wait to watch da new Night @ the museum installment and da new Terminator...christian bale da man la...

its 4 am in da morning now....dah azan pun....dat means...yup..ur rite...time to sleep back...=)

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