Tuesday, 19 May 2009

One Love

the day started weirdly...snoozed the handphone alarm to many times till i only woke up when mummy called to check up on me coz i gave her a shock msg last night....by then it was 6.30 and i'm not the type that can rush for a 7clock class...so ...SKIP!!!=P

woke up at 7 finally n got ready for pharmacology lab at 8....pretest was hard but ok la..Bee talked to me but i could sense she was angry....but still we flirted a bit across the room...:P

learnt about anti convulsant drugs today...poor mice...kena injected ....some even died coz over dosed wif seizure triggers...human error but shouldn't have happened non the less....

lectures got postponed here and there....so i decided to screw all of them today coz i was so not in the mood due to last nights problem....

sat n did some pharmaco work then slept like a lil' piglet..woke up and did work plan then read for my tutorials...seizures are weirdly diffuclt to understand...daym it!!...then wasted time facebooking as usual finaly decided to pick up a book and read about anatomy...by then it was 12+...so sleepy...

Bee & me argued on the phone...she had her points on why i was being a jerk..which i totally agree....aish....its just hard for me to open up my problems to others la..but i must start realizing that she's not any other person...she's my girl and we should share stuff wif each other..happy-sad, positive-negative, ....its hypocritical of me to ask her to open up but i dont....so i made a promise to myself to be open to her....i love you bee....

its 5.30 in the morning now...studied here n dhere...dunno if masuk my kepala not...
hungry as hell...class at 8...n havent slept...craziness.....!
soundtrack for the day : One Love - U2 feat Mary J Blidge

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