Monday 11 May 2009

Good Bye short Break..Hello Block 18

Today marks the end of the short holiday i had due to da "superb" schedule change of my perivious block exam....6 days of holiday gone...if u ask me wat i did, i probably wouldn't remember..and i bet if i asked those who happen to be reading this the same Question...they would probably gimme the same answer.....

Its weird how we ALWAYS don't remember wat we did and ALWAYS complain that the holidays are short....hahaha (cakap macam aku tak complain je)...=P

so the new block comes, Block 18 - Neurology....all about the brain..and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna get a huge headache learning about the one thing i lack..brains...aish....

First day itself got histo, i taught i was done colouring after PA was over....snap man! 44 lecture, can oni miss 11 of them...summo so hard to strategies for dat....

anywhoo, this superstar futsal player had a quater final macth for the KU league today...hahaha, guess wat..yup u guessed it...WIN baby!! 7-1 against GIZI, daym the were rough...cekaply got sandwiched btwn 2 big nigga's....oh well..the game was kinda cool..scored 2 this time....hopefully can score more in the next game....

so now the mix team of 06' & 07' marches on to the semi final, awaiting their next apponent...

aight pepps....i'm off to bed...7 clock lec summo...aish...nitez to all & sleep tight....=)

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