Saturday 23 May 2009

broken hearts

To Miss Lil SunsHine & Miss Baby Flub....all i wanna say is dat no matter hw hurtful the pain ur goin will heal! me...i gets rough along the way n takes time for you to bounce back.....

You say ur ok but in truth ur not...only you know when your truly till then be strong and be matter wat...I is here for you'll

Broken hearts mend but not easily....just shows that ur human.....with feelings and emotions....wounds need time n its on ur side....just down disconnect from the world k!

Friday 22 May 2009

sorry peeps

its been a while since i blogged...basically 2 reason why...
1) my life has been boring
2) I've been having classes from 7-4 for the past few days

yup..7-4 human man this ppl...hw to study like this...craziness...2 hour lecture also i cant take edi....hw to absorb the knowledge...end up sleeping in class oni...aish....

so the past few days has been really tiring....everyday come back sleep oni...then wake up..prepare for next day then sleep back..dats da routine for past few days...

went church for ascension...amazingly they give holiday in Indon for that....may be coz tere are like millions of catholics in this country....for us thaipusam to get holiday also so hard....hahaaha

cant wait to watch da new Night @ the museum installment and da new Terminator...christian bale da man la...

its 4 am in da morning now....dah azan pun....dat means...yup..ur rite...time to sleep back...=)

Tuesday 19 May 2009

One Love

the day started weirdly...snoozed the handphone alarm to many times till i only woke up when mummy called to check up on me coz i gave her a shock msg last then it was 6.30 and i'm not the type that can rush for a 7clock ...SKIP!!!=P

woke up at 7 finally n got ready for pharmacology lab at 8....pretest was hard but ok la..Bee talked to me but i could sense she was angry....but still we flirted a bit across the room...:P

learnt about anti convulsant drugs today...poor mice...kena injected ....some even died coz over dosed wif seizure triggers...human error but shouldn't have happened non the less....

lectures got postponed here and i decided to screw all of them today coz i was so not in the mood due to last nights problem....

sat n did some pharmaco work then slept like a lil' piglet..woke up and did work plan then read for my tutorials...seizures are weirdly diffuclt to understand...daym it!!...then wasted time facebooking as usual finaly decided to pick up a book and read about then it was sleepy...

Bee & me argued on the phone...she had her points on why i was being a jerk..which i totally agree....aish....its just hard for me to open up my problems to others la..but i must start realizing that she's not any other person...she's my girl and we should share stuff wif each other..happy-sad, positive-negative, ....its hypocritical of me to ask her to open up but i i made a promise to myself to be open to her....i love you bee....

its 5.30 in the morning now...studied here n dhere...dunno if masuk my kepala not...
hungry as hell...class at 8...n havent slept...craziness.....!
soundtrack for the day : One Love - U2 feat Mary J Blidge

Sunday 17 May 2009


grrrrrrrrrrrrrr............why does my life always have problems!!....cant it be smooth sailing just for awhile....everyday something new will man!!...just when i taught my comp is ok..another problem occurs....its just so fucked up technologically dependent...but i take care so hard also asyik ade masalah....

as i sit here n ponder wat to work load just piles up..every ticking minute is time wasted....i feel so numb inside....lecture notes from week 1 never touch i bit also...the rest all started....anatomy so freaking hard...dat also never start reading yet....lecturer in front i just nodding my head oni...cant my life be a bit hassle free..

my gf just pointed out dat i'm really a Negative person....which my mum have been saying to me my whole life....i always see da worst of things...i cant help it actually....i always think the worst of a situation because it prepares me when it happens...i hate suprises....aish

GOD oh god ur hurting child....

Saturday 16 May 2009


Sorry again peepz...couldn't blog yesterday coz my comp died on graphic card got screwed...aish/..hw much jaga also asyik rosak....spent 500k on in sad...thankfully got special fren to borrow money from..if not mati la aku....

money been running dry these days...aish...hopefuuly 24th will come faster...

past few days has been heavy on me patients been tested n my faith has been too...sometimes i wonder why i'm been tested...trials & tribulations make life intresting i guess...

i always seem to blame GOD for it most of the time...but when i sit and think ..all the problems that occur in my life happen to be because of my own mistakes ....i live by the "Cause & Effect" motto....wat ever problems i come across is always due to some mistake/wrong decision dat i've made early in life...aish...i should stop & think more...

woke up at 12 today...did my comp...watched ANGELS & DEMONS...kinda really cool ...the girl was hot actually..hahahah....then played PES all day long...daym another day gone wasted....x good...x good at all....

anyways me wanna hit da all a good night & sleep tight...=)

Thursday 14 May 2009

life in technicolour

Hey world....sorry i didnt blog yesterday...was kinda spaced out...very unproductive day yesterday lazed around alot..watched kill bill vol.1 & 2 just for the fuck of it...did my work plan for skill lab and all...was actually mood out so to speak....

FINALLY told the anne's about my relationship..was really feeling guilty for not telling them earlier coz they've been there for me since the me through thick & thin with no questions asked....i'm really grateful to have they around...i always refer to them as my "Guardian angels"...alot has happen since they raged me during my freshman years....n time has since flew by...havent been spending much time wif them eversince they masuk KOAS....kinda sad plus my own jadual also always never have free time...asyik kena buat report oni...

i guess i wasnt in the mood coz i had a lil miss-understanding wif kimi during futsal yesterday...kinda a small thing but i guess it kinda ticked him off....i'll admit my part & i'll swollow my pride and ask for maaf but its up to him la....he's still not talking but fuck it grown up to care a daym...i mean hw much oni can u beg rite....if he's cool wif me he's cool if not ...well if not...then dunno la..aish

well today (wednesday) was kinda a gloomy day....felt SLEEPY through out the day...i havent felt this way in a while..i mean even wif coffee in my system also i couldn't stay awake during lecture...daym la....

Skills lab was a terror...Mental status examination..the "fake" patients was really good at her acting and out us on the spot on hw to manage these kindda patients....OSCE hw la...aduhai...pity Arief had to be the scapegoat an become the "Doctor"....but he was good in my opinion la...

Didn't get to eat Grumpol today..sedihnya...:((....BUT sophia made this kick ass las Lasagna...kinda salty but it was nice....and Luqman keept eating & eating & eating......i kept my sugar level in balance wif just jelly drink & chocolatos....came back n bangged Indomee je...

came back n nice..put my head on the pillow...."POOF"..wake up 8.30 oni..tutorial works somuch....manage to get dinner by 10.. then did final touches on tutorial...n now i'm here..listening to coldplays new "Life in Technicolour II"...first got hooked to it not by the song but by the videoclip..real creative n cool....but the song is now on repeat...something about Coldplay songs that just calms my feelings & puts me into a monotonous happy mood...hahaha

anyways....hope tomolo will be a good day...i miss my all a good nite & sleep off to bed...=)

Tuesday 12 May 2009

1st day

so here i am, its 3 in the morning now...just finished doin my tutorials...byk siot...aish...summo group doc is block coordinator is Dr.Ismail....he's a real nice doctor no doubt but he's kinda a perfectionist when it comes to tutorials....but im sure its for our benefit

had to prepare alot..but im sure my other groupmates sure prepare more edi,..imaggine being in tutorial group wif smarty pants & skirts...gila inferior man..must know ur stuff or risk getting humilated infront of all...paling sakit is when u try to goreng the point but along the way get stuck...KANTOI!!

fell asleep at 8 clcok coz body couldn't take it edi, didn't sleep well last nite coz of the ankle injury..aish...missed playing PES wif da boys today....could have sharpen my skills....kata budak baru..must learn so dat x get my ass kicked all the time....

today had to pujuk my Bee...coz of all the tention ive been putting on her.....sgt la sedih wif myself...shouldnt treat/doubt her like dat la...aish....dumb fuck glad she cair wif the suprise i gave her to bits....

this week gonna be a long week filled wif asyik kena reschedule ya....hopefully can get to watch watchman@XXI this week...pls la dont be as disapointing as THE SPIRIT...aish sedih tul....

ok enough blogging.....=) nitez y' i mean Morning y'all

Monday 11 May 2009

Good Bye short Break..Hello Block 18

Today marks the end of the short holiday i had due to da "superb" schedule change of my perivious block exam....6 days of holiday gone...if u ask me wat i did, i probably wouldn't remember..and i bet if i asked those who happen to be reading this the same Question...they would probably gimme the same answer.....

Its weird how we ALWAYS don't remember wat we did and ALWAYS complain that the holidays are short....hahaha (cakap macam aku tak complain je)...=P

so the new block comes, Block 18 - Neurology....all about the brain..and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna get a huge headache learning about the one thing i lack..brains...aish....

First day itself got histo, i taught i was done colouring after PA was over....snap man! 44 lecture, can oni miss 11 of them...summo so hard to strategies for dat....

anywhoo, this superstar futsal player had a quater final macth for the KU league today...hahaha, guess wat..yup u guessed it...WIN baby!! 7-1 against GIZI, daym the were rough...cekaply got sandwiched btwn 2 big nigga's....oh well..the game was kinda cool..scored 2 this time....hopefully can score more in the next game....

so now the mix team of 06' & 07' marches on to the semi final, awaiting their next apponent...

aight pepps....i'm off to bed...7 clock lec summo...aish...nitez to all & sleep tight....=)

Sunday 10 May 2009

hello world

hey ppl...this is my firts entry..for some reason i taught it was about time i get into blogging..just to see hw it i felt that i needed some place to vent out my feelings...i shall try to update daily ...key world being TRY..anyways...tata for now...;)