Wednesday 12 August 2009

Sorry but i guess ur used to it

Sorry to all for not updating for almost a month, was busy eating in KL...:P

anyways just wanted to update on some latest tunes that i've been compilling during my holz....just some dope songs to keep me in da mood till da next holz.....

  1. Kanye West feat Young Jeezy - Amazing **
  2. Katty Perry - Hot & Cold , Waking Up in Vegas
  3. Kerry Hilson - Hey Girl, Knock you down*, Return the Favour
  4. B.E.P - Boom2 Pow, I gotta feeling*, Imma Bee*
  5. Sean Paul - So Fine**
  6. Pussycat Dolls - Hush2 *(remix- original version x dat nice)
  7. Sean Kingston - Fire Burning*
  8. Tinchey Stryder - Number 1**
  9. Jamie Foxx - Blaime it on the alcohol, just like me
  10. Jay- Z = D.O.A*, Run this town**
  11. Rihanna - Hatin on the club
  12. The Saturdays - Issuses*, Up*
  13. Cobra Starship - Good girls go bad
  14. 30h3! - dont trust me*, starstrukk** ( the ! is part of the btw)
  15. Mariah Carey - obssesed **
  16. Flo-rida = JUMP **
  17. Lady Gaga - Poker face, love game
  18. Rob Thomas - Her Diamonds *
  19. Daughtry - No suprise *
  20. Kelly Clarkson - I Dont hook up *
  21. Fall Out Boy - American Suitehearts *
  22. Pitbull - I know you want me *
  23. Kid Cudi - Day N' Nite *
  24. The Fray - Never say never *

* - New tunes straight out the oven
** - Undergrounds tunes that will take time to get into the airways

So get go start up ur Limewire, Bit torrent or wat ever website u'll use to dwld....get the tunes n hit me back if u think my taste sucks...

ttfn xoxo

Monday 13 July 2009

Day 8-9 & 10-1/2

hahaha....sorry about the title...dunno wat to tulis edi....

on Saturday (11/7) we hit was fun...havent been dhere for a long it was fun to see all the KL girls flocking in one hot hot!

fairus baught his jeans(FINALLY) everywhere....while he was trying his jeans usual i was messing about wif other clothes...namely dinner jackets & jumpers...i seem to not get enough of those stuff..i tried a couple of jumpersz at ZARA n daym!!!...i fit me like Mj's glove babay!!...i wish i had RM139.90 at that point at time...conform i dah beli edi....aish so i tried a red jacket..made me look like Mj in thriller was fun....i oni can afford window shoppin n satisfying my eyes oni...till i work i guess i have to layan dat oni...:)

dhen we went Picadilly AGAIN!...seems to be our spot we drove all da way from pavi to Pj..n dats FAR! when we were dhere....BOOM.....i met my high skol friend! glad to see him...he was a nice guy back dhen n still is!.....n his girl..suprising ly is from my church....such coincidence.....anyways i had spaggethi for dinner...n yup a glass of Beer....mane tak naik berat badan...hahahaha....

on sunday....had to wake up early coz church dhen came back n bag Tau Fu Faa wah!...bahagia sungguh....dhen CASSEY!! called.....she ajak for lunch her i went...

wnet dhere...talked to her family..glad to see dhem after so long....after lunch had a heart to heart talk wif cassey...aish..miss talking to her la...such a darling....told stories to each other dhat we missed was fun n we laughed so much.....

came back n dhen followed mummy to buy food....(by now u can see all i do is eat ...:))
dhen finished eating fairus called to lepak..actually i was to full to move but he said da magic word..."LEPAK!"...n i was super lepak la....went to Shah Alam....dhen met his cousin n she braught this cute chick along wif her.....hahaha

we we talked for ages till 12 dhen oni wanna balik....

and for now...i just woke up at 2.56PM....had LUNCH at 3 oni....aish...bosan!....

Day 4-7

Day 4-7

Nothing much happen actually...lazed alot at home dhen at nites just wait for my mate to call so dat can go lepak mamak....da usual things...

but alot of ppl called/msg to say hie onced i msged out my new no.....i loved talking to my old skol mate vishanti...daym it was fun hahaha....her attitude has so changed since skol...she's more fun and care free....hope i get to meet her when she comes back from kuantan...

da rest msged on facebook...thx y'all.....

but when my holz hit the 1 week mark that's when it started to pick already 2 kg extra ever since i left jogja( i made a point to weigh my self b4 i left..:P)

we went to this new place in PJ called picaldilly ...its like an open air spot....its kinda cool...swamped wif ppl n da food x dat expensive n its actually beer is cheap it was COOL!!!!! me & jaivin drank a jug but fairus took chocolate milkshake..(for obvious reasons of coz).....

so far so good ...i havent watched Ice Age 3 coz everybody has seen it n nobody wants to watch it again wif me..daym sedih la.....aish...the new johnny depp movie so hard to get tickets...not to mention the horror when harry potter comes out..conform aku tgk lambat......i wanna watch transformers AGAIn but the whole world has seen it like 3x or more n all also x wanna watch again....SAD MAN SAD!!!!!!:'(

Monday 6 July 2009

DAY 1-3

Hey ppz....finally i'm back home for holidays....feels so good....reached on friday..daym this late flights the time i reached home it was like 11.30 edi...aish...slept w/o eating much tired la...

DAy1 : Saturday 4/7

Woke up early coz mum said got breakfast..hahaha..makan je aku rajin bangun....look on da table...nasi lemak 2 bungkus....wuhoo!!!...wack dat..dhen mandi!! :))

by then i was gearing up for lunch...lepak in da kitchen talking to mum..dat part is always the best...just coz me & mummy will be talking n joking...:) so fun!....she was asking about the new gf...hahaha....

LUNCH!!!! buttered prawns...n these prawns were HUGE!!!!!..daym! loved it....thne finally went out to mamak....wif da mates!!!!meet fairus n jaivin..all look da same...but they kept saying i was fat...bitches...hahaha

had milo ice...wuhoo!!....dhen whent to KLCC just for the fuck of it..wnet to top shop to check out any new jeans....x de pun....

DAY 2:
HAD to wake up early coz need to go church..aduhai!!!...wnet eback....b/fast was roti canai baby!!!!!....n dhen BOOM!!! lunch..mutton curry + nasi briyani...i love my mummy!!!!!!

whole day yetserdya was spent lazing at home...sadly when u come back during july ...all ur frens are working la...back in uni la...aish..daym fucked up la......i ended up watching tv non long x layan tv also actually...

woke up at 3...nope x in da morning but afternoon...wuhoo...coz watched tv till 4...hahaha,....half the day gone...n i is lonely.....i guess this is just the tip of the ice berg of the holiday....i hope it picks up....

P/s: miss my baby!!!

Tuesday 30 June 2009

hey world

FINALLY done wif exams.....I is on a 1 week break here in jogja b4 i fly back to m'sia for my LONG AWAITED HOLIDAY!!!!....cant belive its 8 months since i''ve went back...daym long sure so much has change back home..(hahaha..sound like x go back for 8 years oni).....

OSCE was a scare....x think i passed IUD insertion but da rest was ok la...confident abit...but u never sure gt la some supprises when i see da results later...aish...

Exam paper was fucked up...dunno wat to say.....just did my best as usual...hopefully get B....dat be great...:)

slowly people leaving for home edi.....some left da day after itself....i x wanna change my ticket....malas la...just lepak here...freedom is precious...go back sure mummy will lock me in..hahaha

today did notheing much.... woke up at 11 coz watched futbal till 4...went searching for da thesis doc for sign ...dhen came back...its FUCKING HOT OUT DHERE!!!ate grumpol for lunch....watched Indiana joens4....dhen lazed....slept at 5...woke up at 9.....pulang dvd..pinjam dvd....dinner at burjo.....dhen puched holes on notes...n was watching angel & demons...

ya boring i know....wat to do...da rest are busy wif remidials....but x complains..this is wat i do best..sit & laze...:))

Erica just left for Hungary last sunday...aish....miss sangat....miss hungging her...n making fun of each other....oh look ...she's online...wuhoo..!!!!!

Thursday 18 June 2009


hey peepz....maaf xoz havent been blogging for a while...just gonna cont like dat didnt happen..:P

Last week we finaly sat for our Anatomy exam...for the brain...n by GOD it was F'in tough!!!!
i mean i was like wat the ....da questions were straight foward but i was blinking at the brain parts i was straing at...i had no clue wat they were....i just did my best...i think those clinical questions an the broadman area questions saved my big fat ass from failing coz thankfully i passed...;)

then there is the fact dat my OSCE is coming...:(( many skills, IUD/Implant, Baby delivery, Gyne Exam, pathoreflex & da dreaded Phsyc exams on those good acting "patients" can this people really act..they should act in some cereka rama or something la...dat good...aduhai...gone la if dunno wats the diagnosis....

then there's also the whole going back problem..which i am thankfully x involved but MAD RESPECT to those ppl who;s kittas expired & FOUGHT tirelessly so dat u can get wat u earned...a trip back home for some good relaxation...straight up, INTER fuck'ed u'll big time n if i were u..i would find away to make them pay...all that promise but no action....bunch of dickweeds! FB & YM oni!!!...but wan can do....sound them means they say we challenging their power....dhen we all know wat happens.....results problems....aish....!!!

studying process going slow but still in plan....x panic yet (i'm not sure why coz i should be!!)
there;s a BUTT load to study n im super sure the paper is gonna be a hell hole....cekaply 1 session...all our points ride on 120Qs..amazing....another classic case of inter!

life's been challenging again but i decided to turn to the BIG man for help...i cant handle all this pressure..i should be able to but i cant...mentally not strong...i x pray as often as i should but i hope the faith i have in him can bring me a long way....but if it not gonna blaime any1 else but ME....

cant wait to go back...3rd july seems so near yet so far...have to go through some halangans...OSCE's my biggest fear..hopefully can get through it....i wanna go back...hug my mummy n bath in hot water...i x care if the weather in m'sia is 100 degrees...i miss my water heater....3+ years here also i still cant get used to cold water...hahaha...spoilled child i know...but there are worst outthere x judge..:P

looking forward to 4weeks of complete eating frenzy...wanna load my taste buds wif all kinda stuff...x care about the weight..will comeback her n worry about usual must make alist of this to eat,do & buy b4 i leave jogja so i x forget....i miss RAMLY burger

x wait to meet old loads to share wif fairus & jaivin....n KL girls!!!! u betta watch out..ALex is gonna be back..hahahahaha....

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Sorry World

My bad..havent been updating for awhile...been busy(alasan same je)....actually both busy & the fact dat nothing intresting is happening in my life so far...but still blessed...for now classes are scheduled as relaxed as posible...

Just did my Histology Exam yesterday....ok la...even though wont get full marks...layan!!...;)

last weekend was spent lazing around...played PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER!!! many times actually..dat bloody game has got the whole dorm addicted....every 5 minutes....u can hear some one say.."Jom dei/macha/bro ....main pes....satu game..."

well dat satu game goes on to even 5 games back2back!!!...gila la..just like dat time gone...hvanet played futsal in a while...basket ball season nowdays...

Anatomy exams are coming soon...gotta speed up da much man!!...thesis has been the topic for the past few days....need to go register the topic ASAP!

oh P/S: Get well soon nigga!