Monday 13 July 2009

Day 8-9 & 10-1/2

hahaha....sorry about the title...dunno wat to tulis edi....

on Saturday (11/7) we hit was fun...havent been dhere for a long it was fun to see all the KL girls flocking in one hot hot!

fairus baught his jeans(FINALLY) everywhere....while he was trying his jeans usual i was messing about wif other clothes...namely dinner jackets & jumpers...i seem to not get enough of those stuff..i tried a couple of jumpersz at ZARA n daym!!!...i fit me like Mj's glove babay!!...i wish i had RM139.90 at that point at time...conform i dah beli edi....aish so i tried a red jacket..made me look like Mj in thriller was fun....i oni can afford window shoppin n satisfying my eyes oni...till i work i guess i have to layan dat oni...:)

dhen we went Picadilly AGAIN!...seems to be our spot we drove all da way from pavi to Pj..n dats FAR! when we were dhere....BOOM.....i met my high skol friend! glad to see him...he was a nice guy back dhen n still is!.....n his girl..suprising ly is from my church....such coincidence.....anyways i had spaggethi for dinner...n yup a glass of Beer....mane tak naik berat badan...hahahaha....

on sunday....had to wake up early coz church dhen came back n bag Tau Fu Faa wah!...bahagia sungguh....dhen CASSEY!! called.....she ajak for lunch her i went...

wnet dhere...talked to her family..glad to see dhem after so long....after lunch had a heart to heart talk wif cassey...aish..miss talking to her la...such a darling....told stories to each other dhat we missed was fun n we laughed so much.....

came back n dhen followed mummy to buy food....(by now u can see all i do is eat ...:))
dhen finished eating fairus called to lepak..actually i was to full to move but he said da magic word..."LEPAK!"...n i was super lepak la....went to Shah Alam....dhen met his cousin n she braught this cute chick along wif her.....hahaha

we we talked for ages till 12 dhen oni wanna balik....

and for now...i just woke up at 2.56PM....had LUNCH at 3 oni....aish...bosan!....

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