Monday 6 July 2009

DAY 1-3

Hey ppz....finally i'm back home for holidays....feels so good....reached on friday..daym this late flights the time i reached home it was like 11.30 edi...aish...slept w/o eating much tired la...

DAy1 : Saturday 4/7

Woke up early coz mum said got breakfast..hahaha..makan je aku rajin bangun....look on da table...nasi lemak 2 bungkus....wuhoo!!!...wack dat..dhen mandi!! :))

by then i was gearing up for lunch...lepak in da kitchen talking to mum..dat part is always the best...just coz me & mummy will be talking n joking...:) so fun!....she was asking about the new gf...hahaha....

LUNCH!!!! buttered prawns...n these prawns were HUGE!!!!!..daym! loved it....thne finally went out to mamak....wif da mates!!!!meet fairus n jaivin..all look da same...but they kept saying i was fat...bitches...hahaha

had milo ice...wuhoo!!....dhen whent to KLCC just for the fuck of it..wnet to top shop to check out any new jeans....x de pun....

DAY 2:
HAD to wake up early coz need to go church..aduhai!!!...wnet eback....b/fast was roti canai baby!!!!!....n dhen BOOM!!! lunch..mutton curry + nasi briyani...i love my mummy!!!!!!

whole day yetserdya was spent lazing at home...sadly when u come back during july ...all ur frens are working la...back in uni la...aish..daym fucked up la......i ended up watching tv non long x layan tv also actually...

woke up at 3...nope x in da morning but afternoon...wuhoo...coz watched tv till 4...hahaha,....half the day gone...n i is lonely.....i guess this is just the tip of the ice berg of the holiday....i hope it picks up....

P/s: miss my baby!!!

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