Thursday 18 June 2009


hey peepz....maaf xoz havent been blogging for a while...just gonna cont like dat didnt happen..:P

Last week we finaly sat for our Anatomy exam...for the brain...n by GOD it was F'in tough!!!!
i mean i was like wat the ....da questions were straight foward but i was blinking at the brain parts i was straing at...i had no clue wat they were....i just did my best...i think those clinical questions an the broadman area questions saved my big fat ass from failing coz thankfully i passed...;)

then there is the fact dat my OSCE is coming...:(( many skills, IUD/Implant, Baby delivery, Gyne Exam, pathoreflex & da dreaded Phsyc exams on those good acting "patients" can this people really act..they should act in some cereka rama or something la...dat good...aduhai...gone la if dunno wats the diagnosis....

then there's also the whole going back problem..which i am thankfully x involved but MAD RESPECT to those ppl who;s kittas expired & FOUGHT tirelessly so dat u can get wat u earned...a trip back home for some good relaxation...straight up, INTER fuck'ed u'll big time n if i were u..i would find away to make them pay...all that promise but no action....bunch of dickweeds! FB & YM oni!!!...but wan can do....sound them means they say we challenging their power....dhen we all know wat happens.....results problems....aish....!!!

studying process going slow but still in plan....x panic yet (i'm not sure why coz i should be!!)
there;s a BUTT load to study n im super sure the paper is gonna be a hell hole....cekaply 1 session...all our points ride on 120Qs..amazing....another classic case of inter!

life's been challenging again but i decided to turn to the BIG man for help...i cant handle all this pressure..i should be able to but i cant...mentally not strong...i x pray as often as i should but i hope the faith i have in him can bring me a long way....but if it not gonna blaime any1 else but ME....

cant wait to go back...3rd july seems so near yet so far...have to go through some halangans...OSCE's my biggest fear..hopefully can get through it....i wanna go back...hug my mummy n bath in hot water...i x care if the weather in m'sia is 100 degrees...i miss my water heater....3+ years here also i still cant get used to cold water...hahaha...spoilled child i know...but there are worst outthere x judge..:P

looking forward to 4weeks of complete eating frenzy...wanna load my taste buds wif all kinda stuff...x care about the weight..will comeback her n worry about usual must make alist of this to eat,do & buy b4 i leave jogja so i x forget....i miss RAMLY burger

x wait to meet old loads to share wif fairus & jaivin....n KL girls!!!! u betta watch out..ALex is gonna be back..hahahahaha....

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